How To Tell “IF” Your Website Is Outdated?
Now more than ever we are all becoming more and more digitally astute, active on social media and online even while we are on the go. As of August 27th, 2022 about 84% of buyers do more than half of their research online even setting foot in the store. To capitalize on this behavior it’s crucial that your website, e commerce platform and entire online presence be up to par!
Your website is hub of your online presence and most often where purchase decisions are made. If your site is not working correctly, difficult to find or navigate customers and dollars will be lost, period.
This 10 point check list can help you evaluate your current situation:
1. Your website really IS old and looks it too. Your website is the first impression for customers, and you want them to be impressed. If not, your visitors will assume your company is underwhelming too.
2. Difficult to navigate. Website navigation should be well-organized and important content must be easy to understand with calls to action. When visitors can’t find the information they need to make a decision, they will go somewhere else.
3.Website is not responsive or mobile friendly. Mobile device use is at an all time high! Having a consistent web experience is extremely important for users who are doing their research on the go.
4. You can’t update it. If your on an old HTML site vs a Content Management Systems (CMS) like word press or others available today relying on programmers to make the simple changes is both expensive and your less likely to actually do it.
5. Your website lacks important functionality. Old websites can’t sell products, set appointments, offer live chat and other important features are likely missing or don’t work well anymore.
6. It’s not secure. Does your URL begin with https? Do you have a security certificate? If not, your site could be an easy mark for hacking.
7. The site is slow. It could be the site is so old that it does not server images quickly, has hosting that’s not beefy enough or even malware has taken hold. A slow site will lose visitors faster than any other reason.
8. Low visitor conversion. The reason for low conversion may not be obvious but it MUST be corrected! After all it takes so much effort to get people to your site the last thing you want is for them to just browse and not convert. Bare Web Design can help you determine via the site analytics and good ole fashioned detective work why your site is not converting and how to fix it.
9. Your main competitor has a better website than you do. When the gaps are too large and you’re lacking in more than one area including user interface, speed, performance, and content, it might be time for a redesign to get that competitive edge back.
10. Artful design but not effective. A website that serves your business needs and customers well requires more than just being “Pretty”. It requires careful planning, a thorough understanding of your business needs and goals, and knowledge of how your business model could change over time and what changes to make to your site to help you get to where you’re looking to go.
Bare Web Designs experience will be helpful to your business delivering a new website that is pleasing to the eye but also functional and user friendly enough to get results!
If you answered “YES” to more than a few of these questions or are looking to integrate your site with critical business applications, or would simply like an evaluation of your existing website to ensure you’re not missing new business opportunities, request a review of your current website by contacting us today.